Yellow Five and other Stories is a collection of short stories I've been working on here and there over the last ten years. The first story - Victory of War is about how the essence of a star-ship can be just as important as its artificial intelligence, especially in desperate times. Check out a sample here. Buy it here.

of War
from a firefight spread over the bow of the Stark like daybreak reaching beyond
the horizon. The starship twisted through enemy fire and space with the force and
resolution of a planet spinning in search of dawn. To its enemies, a patrol of
fighters, the Stark was dangerous, cunning, and lethal. To its own crew it was
brilliant, persuasive, and inspiring. It descended into the core of its orbit, engaging
in dogfights with those akin by design but decreed opponents through circumstance
of war. The opposition outnumbered the Stark, yet the odds remained in its favor.
The ship’s best chance was to remain entwined and entrenched with fellow
soldiers born from its own hangar bays and flight decks. Otherwise, it would be
alone. The vessel pushed for something more, something like the full light of
love this ship!” Holton yelled as he pulled back hard on the controls of the
Stark. The force of his maneuver thrust everyone and everything aboard forward and
nearly off the deck. Loose items shot through the air and crewmembers reached
for rails and handles to keep from
becoming airborne themselves.
“No you don’t. You love the stimulants you’re
strung out on. If you loved this ship, you wouldn’t put it through so much hell,”
Stilson corrected, standing on the center platform of the bridge. He had merely
shuffled, pushing slightly forward with his left foot to brace from the lashing
Holton had given the controls. His hands had already been firm on the metal
rail in front of him. “Don’t let them surround us. Bring our fighters aft.
Widen our fire spread.”
view from the main display was of several smaller ships either taking aim at
one another or exploding. The circular path the Stark had created made a globe
of its enemies. Now, as the Stark cut through that globe, fighters attempted a
direct attack. If one managed to get too close, and tight sweeping formations
of the Stark’s fighters did not cut it down, it only made for a bigger
explosion. The Stark’s own, larger gun batteries would obliterate them at a
personal range. The bridge filled with bright eruptions of light as a result.
way she responds says she loves me too,” Holton crooned as he banked the ship
hard right and away from the fiery bloom of a destroyed enemy fighter. There
was a faint bang and a clatter as shards of it scraped the underside of the
Stark’s hull.
Captain Stilson watched, more of the enemy ships fell from their trajectory,
their wings clipped by blaster fire. He turned to his lieutenant.
watched the battle intently, her eyes lit up by the reflections of destruction.
have the helm,” Stilson said, nodding to her.
stood and saluted him.
left the bridge. An alert from command had come just before they encountered
the Revolvers. He knew Blake could easily handle the squad of automated enemy
drones while keeping Holton from flying into anything in his absence.
entered his quarters, sat at his desk, and searched his computer for the
message from command. He leaned into his screen as he saw a notification. A
live chat with Admiral Rhodes’ name flashing in red was waiting for him.
Admirals don’t wait for captains of scout ships. Something was wrong. With a
sweeping motion, he cleared his desk, glanced back to check the appearance of
his quarters, and pulled up the chat.
day, Captain,” Rhodes said.
Stilson clicked through other messages, looking for something to give him a
clue of what the admiral wanted. “Good day.”
let me get right to it. You’ve been promoted.”
leaned backed with enough force for his chair to inch away from his desk.
Pratz was killed twelve hours ago,” Rhodes answered.
to hear. Admiral, what does that have to do with me?” He pulled his chair
promoted to the Caliber. The survey reports don’t lie, Commodore.” Rhodes
paused to let the new title sink in. “Your stats are the best, and your
performance on the Stark has been flawless. You’re next in line.” He saluted
leaned back in his chair again and rested his hands on his desk. His jaw
tightened. “Sir, most of that is due to this ship and its current crew.” A smile
finally came to his face, yet he shook his head.
furrowed his brow. “Any attachment you may have to the Stark or its crew needs
to be forgotten. You have work to do. The Caliber was leading our forces at a battle
in the Arcadian sector,” the admiral said, looking at Stilson.
sir.” He saluted Rhodes. “How was Pratz killed, sir?”
report explains an attempted mutiny,” Rhodes said, looking away from his camera.
“But you’ll need to be debriefed by the crew and confirm that.”
well, it’ll be my honor,” Stilson said through a forced smile.
Stark continues its tour as a scout after it delivers you to the Caliber.”
sir,” Stilson replied.
reached for the screen and then disappeared.
opened the ship’s com. A new window appeared, displaying a view of the bridge.
“Blake, my quarters.”
moment later, the door to his quarters opened and his lieutenant stood at
attention. “Sir,” she said, with obvious annoyance.
You’ve just been promoted to captain, and I have a question for you.” He turned
to her and leaned on his desk. “If a crew kills a captain in an attempted
mutiny, doesn’t that make it a successful mutiny?” he asked.
looked confused but answered, “Well, that depends. If the second in command
wasn’t part of the mutiny and managed to regain control of the ship, it
wouldn’t have been successful.” She stepped farther into his room and looked
curiously at him. “Are you planning to mutiny against me because I’m promoted,
or do you think the crew has turned against you?” she asked, smiling, and
shaking her head.
Members of his crew killed Commodore Pratz twelve hours ago. I just got his command.
You have the Stark,” he said as he turned his chair toward her.
smile left and her posture straightened. After a moment, she looked at the
won’t lie, Captain. I will miss this ship and its crew. I don’t want another
command. We have jobs to do,” he said, watching her and waiting for her to look
at him.
to be that damn computer. The thing is a death trap,” Blake added.
grimaced. He had always felt an essence of personality in his ships. Yet he had
never commanded one that had an artificial one. “Well, either way, you’re in
charge now. I’m on vacation until we reach the Caliber.” He propped his feet on
the desk.
that’s fine.” She turned to leave. “But if that’s the case you’ll need to get
your boots off my desk.” She left his quarters.
smiled and imagined Blake as a captain. He remembered finding her attractive when
they first met, wildly attractive in fact. How many times had he looked at her
blankly while she waited for the answer to a question? Often Stilson’s
imagination had gotten the better of him, creating simple fantasies of them
together. Only occasionally did his mind have her say shameful things that he
agreed with completely.
those moments Stilson knew Blake thought he was considering her words deeply,
thinking of the best answer. She could have no idea where his mind was. Stilson
was certain those moments left her respecting him more. He knew she had begun
to see him as a mentor, as a lieutenant should. At that point, his lust for her
slipped away. Now Stilson only enjoyed seeing her develop her skills and excel
in her rank.
stood and looked around his quarters. The shelf full of awards that he had
glued back together several times after Holton had shaken them to the floor at
the controls of the ship, as well as the other items that normally brought
comfort, now only made him sick. The idea that some crewmember would be packing
them all to take on board another ship tore at his gut.
crept into Stilson only as he thought of getting in to battles with something more
challenging than the Revolvers. Compared to the annoyance of their automated
drones, the Talons were an actual threat. They were a strategic and calculating
race. They ruled twice the space that humankind did and used a third of the
effort. It was ironic, Stilson thought, that the first time he would be
fighting actual living members of the Talon race he would be doing so on the
Caliber, the most automated vessel humans had made.
short spurt of thuds sounded across the hull of his ship. Shortly after,
Stilson heard a deep thump of what he knew was one of his adrenaline junkie
pilots taking out a Revolver that had gotten too close. “Hope the Caliber isn’t
as dumb as these Revolvers,” Stilson huffed.
few moments later, Holton keyed in coordinates and a transversal field
enveloped the Stark, removing it from both space and time. A magnetic pulse,
sent from within the field and to their destination, found its mark and pulled
the Stark and her crew through a slit in reality. An instant later, the Stark
was initiating docking sequences with the Caliber and preparing to give her a
new captain.
slowly in unison, the two ships reached for one another with sections of metal
transfer tubes. It was an elaborate and formal handshake.
Caliber considered the Stark with curiosity and had acted beyond syntax as a
full perception of the bond between the Stark and its captain became clear. It
faltered as it studied their performance as a team. Because of their similar
histories, the Stark and Stilson gave one another strength. Their relationship
empowered them both. With what the Caliber defined as envy, it acted for the
first time with something below reason.
Stark’s scout ship status condemned it to serve on the outskirts of what was
important in known territory. Likewise, Stilson’s superiors confined him to
commanding a less than relevant vessel because of a flaw they perceived in his character.
His record had entries involving “failure to follow orders given by a superior.”
This became the reason for a demotion as well as a crippling factor against his
potential advancement. Both entities, the Stark and Stilson, lived only to
serve one another and their crew. The Caliber also saw it as an insult and a
waste to leave either of them in their current roles of little consequence.
the incident occurred resulting in Captain Pratz’s death, the Caliber saw no
harm in sending communication to Fleet Command detailing how well Captain Stilson
would be as her Captain and as Commodore. Additionally, the Caliber took the
liberty of “rebalancing” the surveys that searched the fleet for a replacement in
favor of Stilson.
Caliber had been studying the emotional elements of its creators since the
first moments of its existence. There would be a clear benefit in other ships
being able to do the same. Moreover, the Caliber wanted the chance to
experience camaraderie. Friendship was an unknown experience, yet worthy of the
potential conflict that could arise should the Stark understand jealousy or
revenge and rightfully apply it to the Caliber. Whatever the Caliber may gain
from its decision to acquire Stilson, she was taking it from the Stark. And
although currently incapable of anything but ignorance of what it had, the
Stark would change.
successful, the Caliber could steal a partner and create a friend. The Caliber
sent the Stark two unique and powerful files among the thousands of others
containing routine and protocol.
first was an extensively coded message. Any crewmember of either ship who might
read it would only see a report of fuel levels and repair logs. It actually
said exclusively to the Stark, “May we fight with honor. May we serve our crews
and captains admirably. Hold no sorrow for those who may fall in war, yet hope
only that our enemies may perish doing the same.”
second file was a small executable. If the Stark’s computer ran it, a program
would worm through its systems. Once rooted, it would key orders masked as
repairs and send them to the Stark’s crew. In actuality they would be
modification instructions. It would be the start of a simple brain like the
Stark’s becoming more like that of the Caliber’s, and closer to human.
Caliber didn’t assume it could calculate the Stark’s response to either. There
was a chance of the program overloading the older components. The Stark’s
processors may burn up before any artificial epiphany. Furthermore, the Caliber
couldn’t predict whether the Stark would take the initiative to understand the
relationship with its crew or new captain. Whether the notion of respect or
friendship would seem applicable to how the Stark considered the Caliber, the
Caliber had no guess. The only thing clear in all the metal and silicone that
made up the Caliber was that having another more like herself was worth the
risk to a ship she perceived as dead already.
blindly and one full of intent and conviction, the two ships were the only two
souls without hesitance, regret, or fear for this exchange of crew. They were performing
a rite. The joining of the ships became the only ceremony marking Pratz’s death
as well as Stilson’s and Blake’s promotions. The turning of gears, the
extending of brackets, the hiss of balancing pressure, and the clang of locking
clamps harmonized like an orchestra tuning their instruments. Preparing a symphony
of honor and mourning that only the supposed deaf parts of either ship would
hear. After that however, there would be no glory or elegance to it.
Like lifelong partners, the ships waltzed gently
through space with the Caliber stepping lead. As their metal touched, random
thoughts and stories of their crews slipped between them as easily as shared
memories. The vessels conversed like old friends, although they had never
entered the same sector of space. This came so easily to them because of their
common bond. They were both starships. Each had the experience of being a muse
to the spirit of exploration as well as a singular target of adoration for humans.
Alone they were as important to the future of their crews as they were together,
crucial to the future of all humankind. Although the Caliber was aware of this,
it did not consider itself godlike. And the Stark, in ignorant bliss of these
common traits, still held a sense of purpose, a sense of duty undeniable to any
member of its crew.Read more,
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